WhatsApp has been testing chat history transfer between Android and iOS and today finally made the full functionality official. Until recently, it was only possible to transfer chat history between ecosystems using some third-party data transfer tools, but these methods are usually not free and difficult to use.
The WhatsApp support site only lists the Android to iPhone method and you need to use the Move to iOS tool on Android to do so. Also, you must use the latest version of WhatsApp on both the sender and the recipient's device. You must either use the same phone number as your old phone or change it before the transfer. The receiving iPhone must also be factory reset or new.
Based on the steps mentioned in the instructions, WhatsApp is working with Apple to transfer the Move to iOS app to perform a successful WhatsApp data transfer to the iOS phone. According to the support page, you can transfer account information, profile pictures, individual and group chats, chat history, chat media and WhatsApp settings. You cannot transfer WhatsApp call history or peer-to-peer messages.
The inability to maintain your WhatsApp conversations while switching between iOS and Android has long been a problem for users switching between ecosystems. While many messaging apps allow you to easily access messages and chats from any device, WhatsApp can only be used with phone numbers and smartphone devices. Recently, WhatsApp has allowed connected devices to access, send and receive messages when the host device is offline